Wednesday 9 April 2014


I  THINK I am excited about the trip but I have lots questions running around in my head.

  • Will I actually enjoy living in a small "home on wheels" or will I eventually get cabin fever and go totally crazy?

  • How much of a hassle will it be having to take our furry friend? We don't have any options. Its either go and take the dog OR stay home. Wonder what things will we have to bypass because of restrictions?

  • When we're away how homesick will I feel? Will I miss our family, friends and home just TOO much?

  • Will it be easy to manage packing, towing and negotiating with the van?  Just how many reversing /driving "discussions" will we have?!!
  • When we camp parks will the "grey nomad" brigade ( and we fit the demographic description too unfortunately) just be an annoying bunch of old farts?? 
  • What things will we do to avoid endless hours of sitting in the car touring or sitting in camp relaxing? How can we make sure we keep active?
Guess the answers will happen while we are on the road.

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