Friday 9 May 2014

The Eyre Peninsular

After a night of strong wind and rain, probably about 20 mm, it was a slow start and we were battling to pack up before the ten o'clock deadline, but we did it!! Hope we don't get too many wet days as wet dog is not the best thing in a small space. Lucky he is a lazy dog and happy to sleep- not crazy hyperactive!!! Also luckily for us the rain had pretty much finished by morning so Rifter got his constitutional walk. Coffin Bay is such a pretty place; it has stunning estuaries and this morning the sea was back to a gorgeous blue colour as the sun came out.The town is full of holiday rentals and the population swells from 500 to 3000 during summer. I can see why.

The oysters are famous and we saw the boats returning with their catch. 

They have developed a great coastal walk out to a point so over the past two days we have tackled parts of it, the bush is lovely, dense and sheltered with interesting vegetation such as quandong bushes. It is still pretty windy though. Rifter was happy looking for rabbits.

We drove up to a lookout to get an aerial view. The whole point is a National Park but its not for the likes of us as dogs. We drove on to Port Lincoln. 

It was very blustery in Port Lincoln so we had lunch on the foreshore and moved on. I'm sure there is a lot more to the city but we told ourselves  " we can't do everything". Apparently Port Lincoln has a protected natural harbour that is bigger than Sydney Harbour. We just saw a windswept foreshore as we sat and consumed our sandwiches.Then it was off into the buffeting wind, it slowed us down big time.

 We stopped at Tumby Bay where it was sheltered and lovely. Yet another nice jetty and white sand. Plenty of fisherman trying their luck. The mural painters had been busy.


Finally it was time to stop for the night at a place called Cleve. We are camped at the showgrounds. Clever is a town settled in the 1850 when it was first settled by Scottish brother. It is a very neat agricultural town. 



  1. We have just spent the morning pouring over your posts with a cup of coffee. they are fantastic! Great work, really gave a flavour of the adventures you have been having. Keep them coming!

    1. Thanks Justin and Helena. So far so good. xxxxx
